Dear brother and sister
Can we go through the day, each day
with a sense of peace and pleasantness in our soul?
Yes and to such extend that others will be
blessed by what you enjoy in your heart. Does this sound too unreal to believe?
Please read on.
Proverbs 3:15 She (wisdom)
is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not
to be compared unto her.
Why is
wisdom so precious and what does it have to do with peace and
pleasantness in our soul?
A few verses later: 17Her
ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace
Why then do we sometimes
loose that sense in our hearts? The answer is simply that we somehow failed to
act with God’s wisdom in our life or in particular situations. According to
v.17 above if I choose the way of Wisdom in my decisions that beautiful peace
and pleasantness of God’s presence will follow regardless of how difficult our
circumstances may be.
What can we do if we loose that peace?
Instead of blaming others,
our circumstances and if we are not careful even God himself for our troubled
soul, we need to humbly search our hearts and the scriptures and be willing to
be shown of God where we failed. Then by
confession and prayer the Lord will restore us with His peace.